
All the Outdoor Gear for a Spooky Halloween Party

Don't be afraid to take your Halloween party outdoors. Shop here for all the pop-up canopy tents, portable chairs, and coolers you'll need for a scary good time.

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All the Essentials for a Scary Good Halloween

Are you terrified of housecleaning? Afraid trick-or-treaters are going to judge you by your messy foyer, and not by the full-size candy bars you give out? Then take your Halloween festivities outside! From pop-up canopy tents to portable chairs to metal coolers, we have all the essentials you need to have a scary good Halloween party.

A Party Tent Makes a Great DIY Haunted House

Our sturdy, stable party tents can be used for more than just a spooky Halloween party. They can be your Halloween headquarters. Use a party tent as a place to greet trick-or-treaters on a dark, dreary night. Have some creepy fun: you can use a party tent as a super-eerie DIY haunted house. Why rent when you can own one of our party tents for about the same cost? That way, you can use your party tent for any reason in any season.

Not enough room for a party tent? We make durable fixed leg canopy tents and pop-up canopy tents that are great for yards of all sizes. Both styles of canopy tents are great for Halloween events. They have sturdy steel legs, rugged fabric tops, and have simple to follow instructions that make assembly a cinch. They will protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays by day, and things that may fall from the sky at night.

Take a Seat in a Portable Folding Chair

Take a seat when you’re gathering around the firepit, or when you’re giving full-size bars to trick-or-treaters. Portable folding chairs are a must for your outdoor Halloween party.

Our sturdy folding chairs have steel frames and breathable polyester seats and seat backs to provide ultimate comfort. They fold to fit in a carrying bag and can be stored in the back of your car, closet, or garage. Some of our portable folding chairs come with adjustable canopies to protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Our steel and fabric director’s-style camping chairs have a built-in tray that can be used to hold your drink, a plate of food, Halloween candy, and more. These chairs fold flat and can be stored in your garage, metal shed, or trunk of your car.

Wearing an extra-wide costume to the party? Our folding chairs come in extra large sizes, so you won’t have to sacrifice comfort to stand out on Halloween.

Keep Witch’s Brew Cold in a Hard-Sided Cooler

Whether you’re serving up apple cider or a witch’s brew, our metal coolers will keep your drinks super cold. There’s no need to stop the party mid-stream to refill them with ice. Our hard-sided coolers can retain ice for up to 20 hours: even longer, depending on the weather.

Our rolling party coolers are convenient to have at an outdoor Halloween party. They have an attached bottle opener and bottle cap catcher, which means less mess on your driveway, patio, or deck. They sit on a sturdy steel stand that won’t roll away once the wheels are locked. They have a super-sized capacity and hold plenty of drinks and ice. The cooler also separates from the base, so they are completely portable.